A leadership parallel from creative world

In a beautiful parallel from the “Creative World”, John Maeda from MIT Media Lab says the following in an article at Brainpickings- “When you make things with your hands, you force something into being. You sand it, you cut it, you fold it… You do everything to build it from end to end. Whereas leading requires […]

A leader knows it all? Does He/She?

There are a lot of times when leaders think – ·         Either they know it all ·         Or they should know it all A Know-It-All leader is someone who rarely listens to opinion of others and offers information or advice whether it is asked for or not. A know-it-all leader has a smug, superior attitude […]

I wish I could…

Rita is a mid-management level executive with an IT company that she joined 5 years back; she has a total of 15 years of experience. She has done well for herself in all these years and has grown in her career; she has been promoted twice in the last 5 years. She has a 7 […]

Have you earned the right to lead?

After 2 weeks travel when a client (Business Development Leader) came for a coaching session, he took an official call just before the session and this is what I heard him talking “You have to do it, this is not my job, I have other things to do, I can’t spare the time to get into […]

TRUST – Is it so important?

The word ‘team’ in very simple words stands for bringing different people together for a common goal. I find “Trust” being one of the very important elements when people work together in any situation.  But practically I have seen that it is a rarely found element in teams @ workplace. To manage a team wherein […]

Leading by learning

The economic and financial framework, in which organizations operate these days, is quite dynamic and volatile. Information and technology are paramount pre-requisites of functioning and change is very rapid. Therefore leaders at any level in an organization cannot rely solely upon their existing knowledge. Learning is part and parcel of every role irrespective of position […]

Is ‘approving/rejecting leaves’ for your team eating up your crucial time?

I was with a client last week and got into a conversation after my coaching session with him. Discussing generally over a cup of coffee, he told me that senior leaders in his organization are not particular in approving/rejecting the leave applications they receive from their team members. The organization has provided the software where […]

Do I have time to enhance my leadership skills?

Leadership skills are a prerequisite if a person wishes to move up in any organization. What does it essentially mean? It can be defined as the ability required for organizing a group of diverse individuals to work together and achieve common goals. While some believe successful leaders are born with such traits, many argue that it can […]

Encouraging Positive Mind-set in Teams

Most leaders are confronted with a daily challenge of handling and motivating employees coming from varied backgrounds, cultures and most importantly different attitudes. It can be quite a task to maintain a challenging yet positive environment in an already stressed workplace. Positive mindset brings about a better attitude towards work thereby influencing the outcomes as […]